Marriage Talk 73 – Divorce And Kids Of All Ages

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Welcome to Episode 73 of the Marriage Talk Podcast

This week, we address the difficult question on how divorce impacts children of all ages. Quite often, we focus on just the youngest children but even young adult kids feel the effects of mom and dad splitting up. This important discussion takes a look at the issue from the perspective of kids and parents, so please listen and then SHARE the link to this podcast!

We would also appreciate your support of the podcast with a monthly gift via Patreon. 

In the fall of 2018, the name of our program changed to Marriage Talk Ministries. All episodes recorded before Sept.1, still bear the name of the Marriage Doctor Podcast but the website and email address have changed.

You’ll now find us exclusively at and our contact email is now: [email protected]

We look forward to growing the ministry and hope to hear from you with comments/questions about the program!